Wednesday, January 24, 2007

the Red Status of project

Tactical/symptomatic fixes may seem attractive - they are often easy to do and they keep everyone happy. However, they ultimately lead to much more effort and they don't represent the behavior of a truly high impact middle manager. True high impact performance comes from taking the time to make the strategic changes necessary so that further and continuous management intervention will not be necessary.

David J. Anderson

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007



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Monday, January 22, 2007

About Scrum

Yes, but hours aren't burndown. Accomplishments are. A team that focuses on hours isn't focusing on getting things done. Tracking hours makes it "OK" to do whatever you're doing so long as you're keeping the hours up to date.

The point of the Sprint or iteration is getting backlog items done, not getting tasks done. Tracking hours, in my experience, obfuscates that key fact.

Ron Jeffries

Run 了好幾個月的 Scrum,上面這幾句話真是 reflective。

Not Just Standing Up也很有參考價值。

Scrum 說來簡單,但在執行面有許多很細節很 tricky 的地方等待挖掘與調整。認真地關注軟體開發流程的執行面,軟體開發除了畫大圖之外,有其它很多東西可以 improve.


Web 2.0 Name Generator

Web 2.0 Name Generator

A scoff to Web 2.0 bubble?

Tuesday, January 09, 2007



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